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Building a strong foundation


Abu Dhabi Grammar School (Canada) follows the Nova Scotia curriculum in coordination with the UAE Ministry of Education. The program offered at Abu Dhabi Grammar School (Canada) is accreditated by the province of Nova Scotia in Canada. Students who meet the requirements of the Nova Scotia Department of Education graduate with the Nova Scotia High School Diploma.

The program is taught in English and students must meet the same graduation requirements as students in Nova Scotia public schools. Transcripts are produced by the Department of Education in Nova Scotia from marks securely stored on an online student information system.

The AGS Academic Program will lead to a Nova Scotia High School Diploma from the province of Nova Scotia. This Nova Scotia diploma will afford students the opportunity to enter post secondary studies at prestigious universities and colleges anywhere in the world.


The Queen Elizabeth II Medal is awarded to a grade 12 student who has fulfilled the requirements for a Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma, having demonstrated superior academic achievement in grades 10, 11 and 12 and maintained an outstanding record in school and community involvement.

The Governor General’s Academic Medal is awarded to a grade 12 student who achieves the highest average upon graduation, this average must include all grades 11 and 12 courses as listed on Nova Scotia Public School Programs.

The Lieutenant Governor’s Medal is awarded to one female student and one male student in grade 11 who have demonstrated qualities of leadership and service in the school and community and commendable performance in the courses in which they have enrolled.

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