AGS Uniform
Our uniform contract is with ZAKS, a Canadian company headquartered in Toronto. ZAKS has stores in malls around the city. It follows ADEK’s standards in uniform prices and uniform measures.
AGS-Canada is listed on the platform with parents able to search for our school from the ZAKS Store or directly visiting the school listing page:
All the uniform items & accessories are listed on the page with price & sizing information. There is also a downloadable visual & price list.
There are four AGS house team t-shirts. Each t-shirt comes with a Canadian wildlife icon.
You may visit the website or click directly on the link above to view your house t-shirt.
All students are expected to wear their AGS P.E uniform to physical education classes only. If a student is not dressed in the correct sports uniform they will not be allowed to participate in the PE lesson and this will affect their grade for PE.
Student appearance is expected to be conservative and tasteful. Minimum jewellery is allowed. Boys are not permitted to wear body- piercing jewelry. Extra adornments or any other unauthorized accessories are not part of the uniform and may not be worn. Students are to wear the school uniform when representing the school at an out-of school event or field trip.
Parents will be asked to bring the correct AGS uniform to school if their child does not wear the correct uniform to school.
The AGS school uniform can be purchased at ZAKS Store in Al Mushrif Mall.
Additionally ZAKS has an Order Center at Al Wahda Mall next to the Custom Shop New York tailoring shop. ZAKS Order Center now has samples of the uniform in all sizes. A family can arrive at this shop and try on samples to determine correct fit, then order online and have the uniform delivered to their home, or place an order and have the shipment delivered to any of our store locations in ABu Dhabi for pick up. Delivery time to use this service is approximately one week. to call for concerns and queries call TOLL FREE 800 (ZAKS) 9257 or Tel: 02 556 5340.
Store Timing is Saturday – Thursday 10:00 am – 7:30 pm. Friday is closed.
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