Building skills and exploring challenges
School Counsellors provide an array of services, including:
- Emotional, social, developmental, and behaviour support
- Personal and group counselling
- Post-secondary and academic advising and support
- Career awareness, exploration, planning and development
- Collaboration and coordination of resources within the school and the community
- Consultations with parents, teachers, support staff, and administrators
- School crisis intervention
When should I contact my counsellor?
Students should contact their guidance counsellor with:
- Academic concerns
- Social/emotional problems
- Interpersonal conflicts
- Class scheduling and course selection
- Life and career exploration
- Post-secondary planning
Parents/guardians should contact their child’s guidance counsellor with:
- Concerns regarding academic performance
- Concerns regarding social and/or emotional well-being
- Information about special needs/family situation
- Coordinating meetings with teachers and other support personnel
- Student’s education, career and post-secondary exploration and personal development
How to contact a guidance counsellor?
- Students self-referral: stopping by, leaving a note, emailing, or calling
- Teacher, administrator, or staff referral
- Parent Referral
- Peer Referral
Student Support Teacher / English as a Second Language (ESL)
The Student Support Teacher supports the classroom teacher and ensures the curriculum is implemented in a way that maximizes student learning particularly for students with special needs. The Student support teacher chairs the School Planning team and maintains team minutes. The Student support teacher is also responsible to maintain a copy of all adaptations for students as well as working collaboratively to ensure adaptations and IPP’s are updated in a timely fashion. The Student support teacher will be present in parent meetings for students on IPP’s and any others as requested by the teachers and or administration.
Since 2015-2016 AGS has offered English as a Second Language (ESL) support in an effort to better meet the English language needs of students. Although the main focus is on the elementary grades ESL support may be made available to any student whose English proficiency prevents them from fully engaging with the curriculum content. Both in-class and pull out support may be available for students to help meet their language needs.
All KG – Grade 2 classes have full-time teaching assistants, who assist with classroom management and other select duties. Our teaching assistants facilitate effective learning environments and assist with your child’s progress and learning.